
Friday, July 29, 2011

things i love about africa [part 1]

Throughout my journal are lists, randomly spread out throughout the notebook, some entries longer than others. They're lists of the little moments in Africa that I love, the little things I never want to forget, the little moments that filled my heart with joy. Here's part one of many.

Things I love about Africa:
-heavy rain beating on the roof
-red dirt roads
-shouts of "Muzungu!"
-always holding a little one's hand
-the peace and joy that fill my heart
-dear friends to laugh and cry with
-peeing on cockroaches
-the gecko on our bedroom wall
-ankle length skirts
-hopes and dreams
-bumpy, squished van rides
-nighttime journaling with Alaina
-fresh mangos

Today, I miss the little moments. Today, if someone offered me a plane ticket to Uganda, I would pack a bag and be out the door in less than an hour. Today, I want to pick up kids off the street and cuddle them. Today, I want roosters to wake me up and crying babies to wail throughout the night. Today, I really, truly want to use a squatty potty (no joke). Today, I want to have dirt and grease in my hair. Today, I want to walk on red-dirt roads and feel that hot sunshine on my face. I'm not sure about tomorrow, but today I want to be in Africa.

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